Jace woke up to a small Easter basket (bucket) with a few gifts in it on Sunday morning. This kid has had way too much candy this last week but I think he really enjoyed his Easter experience. Saturday, our little community had an Easter event in the park. It was a much needed beautiful day (they are still rare occasions around here..... Can't wait til summer!!!!). They had an egg hunt for the kids and then lunch. Grandma and Grandpa Stevens joined us and Jace enjoyed every minute of it! He was given a stuffed animal at the event because he didn't get any eggs (he was just a little slow at picking them up and there were a ton of fast kids!) He fell in love with his little stuffed dog. I'm sure he would rather get a stuffed animal than some eggs any day. He was also obsessed with the Easter Bunny. He didn't want to get too close to him but he sure did chase him around the park squealing "rabbit... rabbit". Way cute and tons of fun!
We had a little Easter Egg Hunt with some of our neighbors. It was a lot of fun. Each of us hid eggs in our yards and the kids went around from house to house. Jace found his first egg and he was content. He just wanted to sit down and start eating the candy in it. I had to persuade him to look for any more after that first one. He doesn't understand the greed factor yet I guess.